Monday, May 3, 2010

Book Worm?

It seems like every week lately that Logan has a favorite book. Before bed I tell him to go pick out a book from his shelf and this week it's "A Crack in the Track," or as Logan calls it, "crack?" He is getting so good at sitting still on my lap and making it through an entire book. Some days we will be sitting on the floor and he will hand me a book then turn around a foot or so away from me and back himself into my lap so I can read to him. I absolutely adore those moments!

Some nights he wants to take his book to bed with him and tonight when I went in to cover him up after he fell asleep, this is what I found.


Anne said...

That's where Poppy's book ends up.

Sami said...

That is too sweet. Love it!

Mimi said...

LOGAN, I love to read so I will read you lots of stories when I visit you. Hugs and kisses.....